Thursday, December 3, 2009

Java ME Early Access to rescue Mac J2ME Developers

Finally, we have an IDE for MAC J2ME developers. Most of the Mac users use MPowerPlayer SDK(mpp-sdk) to develop J2ME applications. It was hell of a pain to use it with NetBeans. It also lacked the Bluetooth API support.

Last month, Sun announced the launch of most awaited JAVA ME SDK 3.0. This can be downloaded at Please note, it is an Early Access release(not beta). So, it is expected to have some issues. Couple of issues I am aware of are:
  • Exceptions when launching JAVA ME SDK (Just ignore all the exceptions hitting 'Cancel')
  • Also, it runs out of memory after every 4-8 runs and will require Mac reboot(YES, mac reboot).
You might have to restart your Mac immediately after JAVA ME SDK installation.

Apart from these issues, it works like a MAGIC. It has got a nice environment based on NetBeans platform. I have tried mpp-sdk and Java WTK within Sun's Virtual Box, but I find JAVA ME EA to be the best.